State agriculture development committee Acting Chairperson Purcell called the meeting to order at 9: 10 a m. In compliance with the “Open Public Meetings Notice”, the following statement was read 109.5 Kb. 1
Vehicle safety policy Creighton University business. The primary goal of this policy is to help prevent accidents and minimize the risk of personal injury associated with those incidents 24.16 Kb. 1
Sigma Phi Epsilon Membership Agreement Chapter Grand Chapter Bylaws and Administrative Policies and Procedures of the Fraternity, and shall follow the outline recommended by the National Board of Directors. A copy of such undergraduate chapter bylaws shall be filed with the Chief 53.77 Kb. 1
Ex ante regulation of computer search and seizure Fourth Amendment and the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. The affidavit establishes probable cause, the warrant particularly describes the items to be seized 66.93 Kb. 1